
Showing posts from November, 2017

Quickie #1: vSphere Server in a budget lab

Quickie (noun): 1.  a rapidly consumed alcoholic drink. 2.  a brief act of sexual intercourse . Today we're going to add a third definition to that list: 3. a low effort (but still informative) blog post.     Without dragging this (brief) introduction any further - let's get started.  

VPN - Setting up OpenVPN Server - Part 2

Here's the second part of my previous post . In this tutorial, we're going to finish up the OpenVPN setup. What's left to do is creating client configuration file (.ovpn), which is going to contain all the info required by the OpenVPN client for establishing a VPN connection. We're also going to look into the actual client software setup on Windows, Linux, Android, iOS and OSX. The final part of the tutorial is probably going to be released sometime later this month - it's going to cover more advanced OpenVPN features such as password protected client certificates, adding SSL from a Top-Level CA as well as how to configure a side-to-side VPN connection between two networks. Welcome, to OpenVPN Server Setup Part II