
Showing posts from October, 2017

VPN - Setting up OpenVPN Server - Part 1

We’re all lazy, aren’t we? If you think about it for a second, everything you do is more or less aimed at making your life easier, simpler and less-time consuming. Think about your last project. What were you more concerned about: polishing every little detail or maybe getting some stuff done as soon as possible due to an incoming deadline?

Setting up a simple Linux VM for internal routing within virtual environment

Essential network components are sometimes the hardest to configure without knowing the basics. When I first started working on a virtual environment, I didn't even know I had to setup networking! It took me weeks to understand fully how all the VMware "parts" speak to each other. The vKernels, vSwitches, vLANs versus VLANs... yeah, that's a story for another time.  For now, let's talk about the basics. In this post I'll quickly walk you through the process of setting up a virtual router (vRouter) - a Linux VM responsible for most of your internal virtual networking. Once we have that up and going, we can continue our journey through the exciting world of virtual networking inside both VMware vSphere and Hyper-V.

Day one

Well, here goes nothing. After having been told multiple times by my colleagues to finally enter the blogging world - here I am.