Day one

Well, here goes nothing.

After having been told multiple times by my colleagues to finally enter the blogging world - here I am.

I guess first post should be something of note, something worthy of publishing on the internet, however as you probably noticed by this point (judging by the overall outlook of this site & blog) - I'm a man of few words and not really into websites, social media & stuff like that.

Having that said, let's run through what this blog is supposed to be (and what it certainly won't be):

  • Tutorials - that's something I enjoy writing. They probably won't be well thought-out or grouped into topics. Taking my previous blogging experience into the consideration, I think most of the tutorials posted here are going to be virtualization, system troubleshooting or scripting related. Don't expect to learn something absolutely genius through;
  • Reviews - whenever I get something new, I review it here. Seems straight forward enough;
  • Opinions - IT/technology topics only. hopefully I won't get into politics or something similarly "controversial";
  • Personal stuff - career updates, passed exams, facebook clone in general. I hope I won't end up posting pictures of my cats on daily basis.

To finish this post up: I hope that as you're reading this, this blog hasn't died out yet and is updated at least twice a week. If it is not, please accept my sincere apologies for going through this bullc**p.

I hope your OS won't crash today,

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