Blog update: VMUG & VMTN involvement + change of hosting

Hello Everybody,

As you've probably noticed, this blog was quite dead for the last few months. The reason behind it was me changing jobs and getting involved in Ireland's VMUG Meeting in February (click!).

I must admit I had higher hopes of how this blog is going to be developing. I know it's my fault and I'm quite angry at myself because of it.


As of now, I'm preparing 10 new blog posts, some of which being Quickies (the new format I've been toying with) and some being regular "big boys" posts. I'm hoping to get the number of posts to 20-30s by the end of April and start getting some of them on YouTube - more about this later. Ideally, new blog posts would be released once/twice every week.

Another quick note - VMTN - I started using this platform in early March and it seems I'll stuck to it for some time. This will be probably my biggest source of inspiration for tutorials/quickies. I hope this less time consuming format (both for the reader and myself) will be more successful than my previous attempts at creating something useful for you to read.

Finishing up, I'll be switching over this blog from Blogger to my own hosting server. This might cause some downtime next weekend. I'll update this post once this is completed.

Wilk's out.

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